FlowmappBad Bad UX: 20 Common Mistakes in User ExperienceSometimes, advice on how not to do turns out to be the most practical, because simple guides and recommendations always leave room for…Jun 1, 202269Jun 1, 202269
Jelena RisticAnimate your logo with a Voronoi pattern using Blender & PhotoshopQuick and fun tutorial for an eye-catching result!Jul 10, 20221Jul 10, 20221
InTDS ArchivebyKhuyen TranHow to Sketch your Data Science Ideas With ExcalidrawMay 22, 20218May 22, 20218
Nevena NestorovićAnimated Illustrations as a Storytelling Tool in UX designAnimated illustrations are the future of storytelling in UX. They show you go the extra mile. Let’s explore the best ways to use them in…Mar 30, 20223Mar 30, 20223
Jelena RisticCreate an augmented reality 3D logo with Blender and AR.jsUse the free and open-source tools to create a marker-based fun and interactive logo with very little codeJul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
Dennis FrancisMake Money Creating Content Marketing Systems for Small Businesses — Part 1All businesses can benefit from creating a content marketing calendar. Content marketing calendars help them organize their strategy and…Jun 25, 2022Jun 25, 2022
Alain SaamegoJust 3 Lines of Python Code: You Can Create an AI Essay WriterIn this article, we will show you just three lines of Python code that you can use to create an AI essay writer.Apr 16, 20222Apr 16, 20222
Alain SaamegoAI Text Generation: Unlimited text With 3 lines of Python Code!This article demonstrates how to generate text using Python code.Apr 22, 2022Apr 22, 2022
Jelena RisticCreate wordcloud portraits with pythonThis is not a data viz article but an article about creating graphically-interesting art using the wordcloud library in python.Apr 9, 20222Apr 9, 20222
InBootcampbyJelena RisticFree audio, video and illustration tools for quick and sleek content creationI wish I knew about these when I first started!Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022